Two fine, natural limestones...
…to rival Portland and Bath Stone
Originally quarried by the Romans, Port Lime and Port Regent were used across their Empire to construct impressive temples, public buildings and villas. This tradition continued during the Austro-Hungarian Empire almost 2000 years later. Today these two distinctive natural stones are solely supplied to the UK market by Lambs.Port Regent
This warm straw coloured Port Regent limestone, with subtle veins and a hint of grey has an exceptionally fine grain that can hold a sharp edge with ease to create any architectural embellishment.
Port Lime
This cream coloured oolitic limestone is a sedimentary rock formed from ooids, tiny shell deposits and a matrix of minerals such as calcite, aragonite and calcium carbonate.
Port Regent. Honed finish for Ashlar and Architectural elements. Excellent for paving and flooring
Honed, fine tooled and coarse tooled for Ashlar. Not suitable for paving.
Both Port lime and Port Regent are fully tested and CE certified stones with exceptional frost resistance and properties that guarantee the longevity of these natural materials.
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In addition to these Natural Limestones and Wealden Sussex Sandstone Lambs offer a unique selection of handmade bricks, our signature Gauged Red Rubber Arches, traditional Ash Glazed Headers for quality building restoration and new build projects.
Exceptional size
Found in geological bed heights of between 6 and 9 metres, makes it possible to quarry large blocks of both these limestones. They are suitable to form masonry with rising courses of up to 1.6 m in finished goods
Both lime-stones can be considered as masonry cladding and for the production of architectural elements, including window cills, ashlar, archways, plinths, cornices, intricate carvings and fireplaces.